Allah and wine
Allah and wine
It seems that Allah has conflicting thoughts regarding wine consumption in both the Quran and the hadiths. Let's quickly analize what Allah commands in both of them.
I) Quran:
1) Wine is a devil's creation. Surah 5:90:
<<O believers! Intoxicants, gambling, idols, and drawing lots for decisions are all evil of Satan’s handiwork. So shun them so you may be successful.>>(
2) Yet, there is some benefit in it too. Surah 2:219: <<They ask you ˹O Prophet˺ about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “There is great evil in both, as well as some benefit for people—but the evil outweighs the benefit.” They ˹also˺ ask you ˹O Prophet˺ what they should donate. Say, “Whatever you can spare.” This is how Allah makes His revelations clear to you ˹believers˺, so perhaps you may reflect>>(
3) Nah, Allah was kidding, intoxicants are a ,,wholesome provision". Surah 16:67: << And from the fruits of palm trees and grapevines you derive intoxicants as well as wholesome provision. Surely in this is a sign for those who understand.>>(
4) Nevermind, did Allah used to say at some point that wine is devil's handiwork? It was all fun and jokes, actually there is plenty of wine in paradise. Surah 47:15: <<The description of the Paradise promised to the righteous is that in it are rivers of fresh water, rivers of milk that never changes in taste, rivers of wine delicious to drink, and rivers of pure honey. There they will ˹also˺ have all kinds of fruit, and forgiveness from their Lord. ˹Can they be˺ like those who will stay in the Fire forever, left to drink boiling water that will tear apart their insides?>>(
II) Hadiths:
1) Allah does not want you to drink wine, so stop doing it(even though there is wine in paradise). Sunan an-Nasa'i 5585: <<It was narrated that Ibn 'Umar said:
"The Messenger of Allah [SAW] said: 'Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is unlawful.'">>(
2) Now blink twice if you are lawful to Allah, and listen to the ingredients from which wine is made (which he, of course, forbids), ok? Sunan Abi Dawud 3676 : <<Narrated An-Nu'man ibn Bashir:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: from grapes wine is made, from dried dates wine is made, from honey wine is made, from wheat wine is made, from barley wine is made.>>(
3) Wait, you thought that's it? No, Allah is merciful, you can still drink from the syrup of dates(as long as it is fresh, of course, we do not want unfreshness in our life). Sahih al-Bukhari 5602 : <<Narrated Abu Qatada:
The Prophet (ﷺ) forbade the mixing of ripe and unripe dates and also the mixing of dates and raisins (for preparing a syrup) but the syrup of each kind of fruit should be prepared separately. ( One may have such drinks as long as it is fresh )>>(!).
II) Conclusion:
Even though Allah knows best, we can wholeheartedly say: ,,No, he does not." He does not even understand basic notions of logic, let alone theology(or maybe it's not Allah's fault, but the fault of the fraud that wrote the silly book called Quran).
First of all, the devil can't create a single atom if he is not given the power from The Almighty God(power which God never gave to), let alone a product like wine.
Second, if so, for the sake of the argument, let's assume for a second that the devil has indeed created wine. Then if wine is pure evil how can it enter into the paradise, which it's free from evil. The muslim attempt to say that the wine in paradise will be "pure wine" is ridiculous, as something that is evil by nature if it is "purified of evil", is not the same substance anymore.
Third, why was so late in human history revealed that wine and alcohol are completely evil? Why did Allah kept in darkness humanity regarding this aspect until 7th century AD? There is a fair "assumption" that we, as Catholics, could make about this: that the devil, using his puppets(the founders of islam) has forbidden for his adepts wine so that they do not eat The Holy Eucharist and are saved by Our Lord Jesus Christ(John 6:51-52:<<51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven.
52 If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world.>>(
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